International services
The German Biogas Association (GBA) offers international services to promote biogas technology in international markets. Among these services are:
- Tailor-made training courses on all biogas topics
The training courses of GBA are adapted to the target group and include topics like: biogas biology and technology, waste treatment, safety on biogas plants, financial and sustainability aspects of biogas, among many others. Check out our courses on our training website.
- Support services for decision-makers, public authorities and associations
Through its active role in the biogas sector in Germany, GBA has a long record of experience in the outline of regulations and standards for biogas. In this regard, GBA supports different stakeholders, in order to guarantee the best conditions for biogas development in new markets.
- Organization of delegation trips to Germany / Europe
GBA plans, organizes and executes delegation trips in Germany and Europe for different stakeholders in which biogas plants of all types are visited. A tailor-made training course is also offered in combination with the trip.
- Tech consulting
Through a team of specialized professionals in different biogas topics, GBA is able to offer technical consultancing on topics like safety, waste treatment, digestate, biomethane utilization, and many more.
- Publications on all relevant biogas topics
GBA also develops biogas publications for new biogas markets and in consideration of the local circumstances.
- Expert presentations at international events
Our experts are also available for lectures at international events and are happy to answer all your questions live!
Our references - Biogas Trainings
Biogas online training, 6 sessions, 3 hours, 2 – 3 topics each Country of implementation: PhilippinesPeriod: 2022
Client: Lipp GmbH
1-day Biogas Basic traing
Country of implementation: Dominican Republic
Period: May 2019
Participants: Engineers, public authorities and interested public
Client: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH – Dominican Republic
1-day Biogas Basic traing
Country of implementation: Cambodia
Period: May 2018
Participants: Professors and students of a University
Client: UNIDO
2-day Biogas Safety Workshop
Country of implementation: Chile
Period: November 2017
Participants: Biogas stakeholders
Client: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH - Chile
5-day Biogas Systems Training
Country of implementation: Germany
Period: October 2017
Participants: Representatives of the Water Authority of Jordan and GIZ technical advisors.
Client: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH – Jordan
2-day Biogas Training
Country of implementation: Serbia
Period: April 2016 and September 2016
Participants: employees of the Serbian Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection
Client: GIZ/DKTI, under the project: Development of a Sustainable Bioenergy Market in Serbia.
Interested in a training? Check out our courses on our training website.
Recently closed projects
Digital Global Biogas Cooperation, DiBiCooPeriod: October 2019 - June 2022
DiBiCoo was a EU Horizon 2020 funded cooperation project between biogas technology exporting and importing countries, with the overall objective to support the European biogas/biomethane industry by preparing markets for the import of sustainable biogas/biomethane technologies from Europe to developing and emerging countries. This was achieved by the development and application of innovative digital and non-digital support tools and actions, by knowledge transfer and capacity building as well as by the preparation of demo cases up to the investment stage. The project aimed to increase the share of renewable energies, both in Europe and in importing countries. For further information we invite you to have a look at the project website: http://dibicoo.org
The German Biogas Association (GBA) and twelve other partners from nine countries joined forces to implement the project. GBA supported DiBiCoo particularly in the capacity building activities like webinars and study tours.
Client: European Comission
Development of draft code of practice (standards) and training materials on biogas plants in Kenya
Period: May 2020 to March 2021
UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) commissioned GBA and its project partner AKUT Umweltschutz to work out a draft “Code of Practice” which will be transferred into a biogas standard for Kenya. This new project started as a follow up in May 2020 and is set to March 2021.
Additionally, GBA and the project team supports the capacity building activities of Kenya’s Information and Best Practice Platform (IBPP) by providing training materials. The IBPP is based at KIRDI (Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute). The training material covers the whole spectrum of biogas in about 10 presentations. It ranges from the basics of anaerobic digestion (AD), digester biology and technology, optimization of gas production, feedstock, planning, construction, operation and maintenance of biogas plants, the use of biogas, biogas safety, biogas digestate, biogas regulations up to financial aspects of biogas projects. This material will be complemented by a biogas guidebook which also comprises the important issue of sustainability of biogas.
Client: UNIDO
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